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Junko Koshino Featured

Published in FASHION & DESIGN  
Junko Koshino Photograph courtesy of JUNKO KOSHINO, INC.

The First Fashion Show in Cuba

August 1996.
I was said to be the first to hold a fashion show in Cuba.
Then I held another in 2000.
Then another in 2009, at the Hotel Nacional de Cuba, commemorating the 80th anniversary of Cuba-Japan diplomatic relations.
A work of an artist was exhibited at the entrance.
The two will be reunited in heaven.
The hands of the clock turn slowly, proud of salsa, the sun and the revolution. 

Junko Koshino

1996 年 8 月 Cuba で
それから 2000 年
そして 2009 年日本との国交 80 周年を記念した


The complete article can be found in Issue #279 of the Tokyo Journal.

Written By:

Junko Koshino

Junko Koshino is one of Japan’s most highly acclaimed fashion designers, best known for her wide array of designs. These include her Junko Koshino line, corporate and sports team uniform designs, and musi- cal performance costumes. She has also been involved in cultural exchanges through her fashion design activi- ties in the U.S., China, Vietnam, Cuba, Italy and France. Born in Osaka, Koshino won the prestigious So-en Award while studying in Bunka Fashion College’s design program. She was appointed by Japan’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport as the 2008 Yokoso! Japan Ambassador (now ‘Visit Japan Ambassador’).

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